Category: Films

  • Space Odyssey: 2001 ending

    Un dia, quizas, entienda el final de Odisea Spacial 2001. Una gran pelicula, larga, compleja, original…

  • Casino – Joe Pesci brutality

    They say that sex and violence are the magic ingredients required to ensure success in a movie. We are attracted to both, these elements resonate with our own most primitive animal instincts. We also respond to humor, talent and craftiness but not with so much intensity. Here is a scene right out Scorsese’s movie “Casino”…

  • The Shining – Most Famous Scene

    This scene is probably the most famous in the movie “The Shining” by Stanley Kubrick. I always like to wonder why, so why is this scene so famous? it must be a combination of factors. Nicholson is at his best, scary, maniac, unpredictable.. his victim looks exactly like that, like a feeble, nervous victim.. the…

  • Science Of Sleep – Michel Gondry

    Most of us have dreams. Many of us remember some of them. What are dreams? what is their purpose if any? do they have meaning or are just random mixtures of memories, feelings, images and sounds? Dreams tend to defy many of our wake time rules, in them anything is possible, fly, teletransportation, miracles… in…