Category: Favorites
Zapatero vaya Zapatazo!
Aqui teneis al presidente del pueblo espaniol metiendo una gamba descomunal en el minuto 1:20 :
Pachebel I’ll see you in Hell!
Trafico Aereo Mundial
Economic Hitman – John Perkins
g-speak – A Revolutionary Interface
Wow! that is all I can say when seeing this. Not a movie, this interface is real and is called “g-speak” g-speak overview 1828121108 from john underkoffler on Vimeo. G-speak is made by Oblong Industries.
La Maquina de Hacer del Cuerpo
The Polla Machine VSVC01 is the best polla machine in the whole market. It is simply the best because it only has on button between you and eternal pleasure. The VSVC stands for Variable Speed Variable Cock for maximum pleasure and depth control.
Contigo No Bicho!
Joder.. que malas son las chicas a veces.. a este buen hombre le rompieron el corazon y el a nosotros la caja de risa…
YouTube Scalability
Sinatra when I was a Baby
Perusing random videos of the oldies, I came across an old Sinatra classic, “Fly Me To The Moon”. Probably, the first thing I remember from when I was a baby was the tune of that song played by a wind-up music baby toy that looked like the head of a baby deer. It was orange…
This is How to Sing when you forgot the Words
Ella Fitzgerald was a born natural incredibly talented singer… I have bad memory for song lyrics.. this is how I am going to sing from now on when I forget.. lalalalruiridudubiii dd a dadada tututu bibibi lalala!!!!