Category: Favorites

  • How to Videos – Online Learning Websites

    Not long ago I had the idea that having a huge instructional video website like YouTube would be the best thing in the world. I though that, although video sharing websites are great for pure entertaiment, the same concept could be used to actually post relevant and educational content. I designed a workflow and at…

  • Welcome to Canada

    This is the first short/teaser add for Amigomedia Inc. You will watch Steve, Amigomedia Producer, pretending to be Tony Montana from Scarface on his way to and during his dentist’s birthday party. All the footage was improvised and there is no real story line. The party itself was OK but thanks to Steven hilarious performance…

  • Chelva – July 16-30/03

    Fender:”Un campamento de trabajo genial. Una experiencia inolvidable. Hasta pille yo!” No se me ocurre mejor manera de pasar 15 dias de verano con los colegas. Por unos 70 euros tienes durante dos semanas; comida, alojamiento, actividades, viajes y excursiones, uno o varios trabajos interesantes (si hay suerte), diversion (garantizada), posibilidad de entablar amistades duraderas…

  • Double Slit Experiment

    This one is the culprit of mysteries in quantum physics. This cool video explains this paradox in simple words.

  • Gideon King – NovaMind Creator

    While working ar at their technical support department, Curtis Robinson, discovered a very nifty brainstorming tool called NovaMind ( Nova-Mind is a very powerful mind mapping tool developed by a small company in Australia and conceived by a very interesting fellow called Gideon King. On Gideon’s website there is a section where he…

  • Curtis Robinson

    Indigo visionary. Deep life experiencer. Adventurous and spiritual being. Insightful and sharp troubleshooter. Honest and blatant social individual. Thorough and resourceful hard working independent asset.

  • Zigor Marroquin

    Colega de toda la vida. Carismatico emulo de grandes cualidades. Sagaz y controvesial adversario. Vividor, amante de aventuras, la amistad. Mujeriego carinioso, castigador pedante, leal y justo correspondiente.

  • Nazanin – I Dance For You

    En una de mis primeras misiones para tuve la fortuna de ser elegido para viajar con Nazanin, Miss Canada 2003, 8 dias a Oaxaca, Mexico, a grabar su primer video musical. Fuimos solo tres, yo, Nazanin y el Director y DOP, Shaun Lawless. Lo pasamos genial y con una HVX200 y un monton de…

  • G-Love – Viral video en Vancouver

    Al amigo de Mark Labrie se paso por Vancouver y de paso le hicimos un video viral para promocionarle en la Internet. Este fue el priper projecto de la compania de virals HIV productions.

  • Daniela e Irene en CBC french

    Daniela y su amiga Irene salieron en un documental para la CBC franchute. Quien sabia que Daniela parlaba tan bien la lengua de la tierra de los fromages?