Category: Favorites
Paul Graham – TechCrunch50
TC50 and Paul Graham from sarah lacy on Vimeo.
Tony Hsieh – TechCrunch50
TC50 and Tony Hsieh from sarah lacy on Vimeo.
Kevin Rose – TechCrunch50
Tim O’Reilly – TechCrunch50
Rebecca Saxe – Magnetic Judgement
Neuroscientist Rebecca Saxe has discovered the area in the brain responsible for judgement. By applying a strong magnetic field to this area she has been able to affect people’s judgment.. Jesus!
Success – Alain de Botton
I like his take on success. Very nice talk.
El Jinete – Jose Alfredo Jimenez
My dad played this on the guitar when I was a kid.. and I cried too.
One Tin Soldier
Beth played this on the piano..(and cried..)
Best Life Advice – Wear Sunscreen
When we feel down or loss, or just in general we can use comforting words, wise advice. It is amazing what a video can teach you in a few minutes. This is one of the most inspiring videos I’ve ever seen. I hope you like it too..
Oh darling!! Oh Yeahh..
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