Category: Videos
Miguel’s Self Promo – Sam Speaks
Sam’s life changed after meeting Miguel Hernandez.. just because he is a shameless bastardo with a heart of gold..
Miguel’s Self Promo – Chris Speaks
Here is what happens when you are such a nice person.. people’s life change.. for the better?
Miguel Spinning on a Soccer Field
I was bored in between takes at aa Bodog girl photoshoot a couple of weeks ago and decided to use my digital still camera to do some improv video art.. pretty cool.. yes, it was me holding the camera:
I AM Miguel Hernandez
Just in case you’ve never had the unfortunate luck to meet me in person or you have but thought for some unknown reason that I was a normal citizen.. here is the prove that you were wrong:
Miguel Saves The World
So you know, a couple of weeks ago I was out during my lunch hour enjoying the sun by the beautiful Vancouver downtown waterfront when suddenly the infamous Death Star targeted our planet.. luckily, I was tuned in with the Force, and I was able to deflect the deadly ray.. It all got recorded by…
Steve y las mierdas de su barrio
Steve nos comenta un poco sobre las mierdecillas que forman parte del folclore tipico de su barrio en Strathcona. Atencion! Este video contiene imagenes horripilantes de coches quizas robados, condones totalmente usados y jeringuillas con drogainas furtivas.
Steven – Roofing Issues
Stivito mando arreglar los roofs de sus casitas a unos capullines que no acabaron de terminar su trabajo completamente. Por tontitos, los rooferos se quedaron si cobrar la mitad de lo estipulado. En este video, Steve nos enseña varios de los detalles que dejaron sin terminar los susodichos.
Malabares Musicales
Que bonito es ver a alguien que ha consumado su suenio en algo tan original como hacer malabares al son de una de las canciones de los Beatles mas bellas. El ingenio humano no tiene limites.. verlo aqui:
Lucky Chupa dedos de Migs en Torbe Mansion
Como era de esperar muchas cosas freakis y cachondonas ocurren en la casa del King del porno Freak Mr Torbe. Su casa como su propia web es un verdadera putalocura… y he aqui una pequenia prueba. Actrices mega buenas como Lucky pululando en panios menores por la mansion y poniendo cachondos al personal con jueguecitos…
Microsoft Surface – An amazing digital interactive tool
One of Microsoft Corp.’s biggest secrets looks like a normal coffee table. Until it’s switched on. After years of covert development, Microsoft says it will release a computer that uses the tabletop as its high-resolution display, recognizes objects placed on the surface and skips the traditional keyboard and mouse in favor of fingers on the…