Category: Videos
Tim O’Reilly – TechCrunch50
Rebecca Saxe – Magnetic Judgement
Neuroscientist Rebecca Saxe has discovered the area in the brain responsible for judgement. By applying a strong magnetic field to this area she has been able to affect people’s judgment.. Jesus!
Success – Alain de Botton
I like his take on success. Very nice talk.
El Jinete – Jose Alfredo Jimenez
My dad played this on the guitar when I was a kid.. and I cried too.
One Tin Soldier
Beth played this on the piano..(and cried..)
Best Life Advice – Wear Sunscreen
When we feel down or loss, or just in general we can use comforting words, wise advice. It is amazing what a video can teach you in a few minutes. This is one of the most inspiring videos I’ve ever seen. I hope you like it too..
How to Get Laid
The average male has it a lot harder apparently..
Talent doesn’t discriminate, we do
Here are the latest most well known cases of talent choosing indiscriminately. We judge and prejudge, it is part of being human, unfortunately this part can and is flawed in many ocassions. Let these two wonderful talented people be an example for all, and from now on, be careful not to judge too soon because…
Great Visual Explanation for the Crisis of Credit
I strongly believe all concepts, especially the most obscure ones, can be a lot better understood using visualizations like this. This is an amazing example, extremely put together, .. just cool icons on a green background, nice voice for narration and nice sound effects. Keep them coming Jonathan! Website: Created by: The Crisis…
Brrrrain talk – Learn about Neuroscience and Rolling R’s in one talk
My girlfriend has trouble rolling her R’s so I suggested she watched this TED talk and practiced along. The talk is also quite fascinating; face recognition ability loss, phantom limbs, and synesthesia ..