Category: Passions

  • Welcome to Canada

    This is the first short/teaser add for Amigomedia Inc. You will watch Steve, Amigomedia Producer, pretending to be Tony Montana from Scarface on his way to and during his dentist’s birthday party. All the footage was improvised and there is no real story line. The party itself was OK but thanks to Steven hilarious performance…

  • Chelva – July 16-30/03

    Fender:”Un campamento de trabajo genial. Una experiencia inolvidable. Hasta pille yo!” No se me ocurre mejor manera de pasar 15 dias de verano con los colegas. Por unos 70 euros tienes durante dos semanas; comida, alojamiento, actividades, viajes y excursiones, uno o varios trabajos interesantes (si hay suerte), diversion (garantizada), posibilidad de entablar amistades duraderas…

  • Finland

    A wonderful little Scandinavian country, a great place to visit for its beautiful landscape and friendly inhabitants. A country of extremes! long, dark, and very cold winters with eternal nights and short summers with everlasting daylight. Frozen lakes and burning saunas, for the daring, one right away after the other, and they say is healthy!.…

  • Sailing in Victoria

    I had a great time with Curtis and family in Victoria.

  • Chelva – Amor Plutonico

    Laura, que haces aqui? A que has venido?… mi novio, toca la guitarra. Un verano, un pueblo, un campo de trabajo, jovenes, chicos y chicas, sangria y porros, musica sobre ruedas, hormonas a tutiplen, muchas ganas de pasarselo bien y ja!, Laura, pero eso mas tarde.

  • Nazanin – I Dance For You

    En una de mis primeras misiones para tuve la fortuna de ser elegido para viajar con Nazanin, Miss Canada 2003, 8 dias a Oaxaca, Mexico, a grabar su primer video musical. Fuimos solo tres, yo, Nazanin y el Director y DOP, Shaun Lawless. Lo pasamos genial y con una HVX200 y un monton de…

  • G-Love – Viral video en Vancouver

    Al amigo de Mark Labrie se paso por Vancouver y de paso le hicimos un video viral para promocionarle en la Internet. Este fue el priper projecto de la compania de virals HIV productions.

  • Miguel Soccer Moves

    Aqui una demostracion alucinante y recalcitrante de las habilidades futboleras del creador de este blog estrambotico-fandanguero-flipatorio-subanormalitico.

  • Drafting

    I have always enjoyed designing things, such as cars, airplanes, foosball tables, ping-pong tables, leaning recumbents, CVT’s, etc. For that reason I decided to get an education in mechanical design at BCIT. On 1999 I graduated with honors from BCIT and I won the Design Award for that year as well. Soon after graduation I…

  • Guitar

    “Helping ugly people have sex since 1464” “If” by Bread, “Tears in Heaven” by Eric Clapton and a half-ass version of “Last Kiss” by Pearl Jam, make up about all I can manage to scratch out of my $350 Partie classical guitar made in Quebec and purchased in 2002.