Category: Travel

  • Insane Mountain Biking in Spain

    A Hill in Spain from chris akrigg on Vimeo.

  • Miguel Juggling a Soccer Ball – Video for Borja

    My dear friend Borja is competing on a contest to win a pair of soccer shoes from some famous soccer player. The prize will go the best video montage of people around the world juggling a soccer ball. Borja asked me to make a short video of myself with Vancouver downtown in the background. Here…

  • Earthships – Enviromentally friendly housing

    There are many ways to build environmentally friendly housing. Earthships were invented by Mike Reynolds.

  • Fedor – Lethal, Humble, Great

    Back 2006, when I was shooting for now extinct BodogFight I had the chance to meet the now considered best MMA fighter in the world in person. Back then I had no idea nor interest in MMA fighting or any martial arts for that matter. I still don’t care much for it but after meeting…

  • Travel and Dance! Like Matt Harding!

    This video brought tears to my eyes, in a few minuted Matt takes us around the world (sponsored by SlideGum), about 42 countries and really exotic places to show us his super dorky lame dancing skills.. and by doing so, how dancing, even bad dancing, is so universal! I am a terrible dancer and Matt…

  • Trip to Mallorca – “Verano Azul” re-make

    Exiciting times ahead. from May 1st to May 16th I am travelling to Palma de Mallorca Spain to shoot a remake of the popular Spanish series “Verano Azul”. My friend Nacho is flying me from Vancouver and paying all my expenses to shoot the re-make.. it is going to be crazy!!

  • Back from Torbeland

    I just came back from my one month experience in Torbeland. It has been quite a ride, lots of experiences, fun times and relax times. A lot of the original projects for the month did not happen, however, the foundation for them and new ones was established. My mission to help as a technical adviser…

  • Parte del Komando en Torbelandia

    Y se hizo realidad, miembros del komando de bilbo, Zigor y David se presentaron este finde en casa de la ilustrisima Torbe. Vinieron a visitarme y a presenciar con sus propios ojos como vive el king del porno freak mundial.  Conocieron la mansion, el jacuzzi, a una actriz porno super simpatica, Lucky, la simpatica mujer…

  • Miguel In Torbelandia

    June 4, 2007 Today I arrived to Madrid to spend a month with Torbe in Madrid doing who knows what crazy projects and adventures. Trip was fine, no talking people or crying babies from Vancouver to Madrid. They left my camera suitcase in London! hopefully arrives tomorrow to Torbe’s house. Jesus picked me up, he…

  • Chelva – July 16-30/03

    Fender:”Un campamento de trabajo genial. Una experiencia inolvidable. Hasta pille yo!” No se me ocurre mejor manera de pasar 15 dias de verano con los colegas. Por unos 70 euros tienes durante dos semanas; comida, alojamiento, actividades, viajes y excursiones, uno o varios trabajos interesantes (si hay suerte), diversion (garantizada), posibilidad de entablar amistades duraderas…