I AM Miguel Hernandez
Just in case you’ve never had the unfortunate luck to meet me in person or you have but thought for some unknown reason that I was a normal citizen.. here is the prove that you were wrong:
Miguel Saves The World
So you know, a couple of weeks ago I was out during my lunch hour enjoying the sun by the beautiful Vancouver downtown waterfront when suddenly the infamous Death Star targeted our planet.. luckily, I was tuned in with the Force, and I was able to deflect the deadly ray.. It all got recorded by…
Back In – Blocked out of my own blog!
well.. the Bad-Behaviour plug in locked me out of my own blog for months until I hacked into the daatabase and disabled the plugin. So, we are back in business and I got some cool videos and news to share. Stay tunes!
Noboru Diner at Marcello’s
Marcello’s is a great Italian restaurant located on Commercial Drive, Vancouver. It is also great if you have the time and patience to wait at least 45mins to get your damn gourmet pizza into your starving stomach. Can’t really complain when the pizza finally arrives, the ice-cream is soo good and the bill is taken…
Fireworks Finale – Vancouver 2007
Here a little video of stitched images shot with my new Fujifilm F30.
Stivito y Migs chorring at Japanase Festival
For a few moments we were transported to Japan during this summer’s Japasese celebration day in Vancouver. We didn’t understand anything that was going on. However, we managed to enjoy ourselves by doing a few culture integration moves. Japanese traditional crazy thing  Steve jumping with joy  Steve greeting people his own way …
Sailing at Jericho
Sebastian and Andreina invited us to sail on their home made wooden sailboat around the waters of Jericho beach. The weather couldn’t have been better, moderate winds and warm water made us fast and confortable across the inlet. Yo y Dani enjoying the trip Captain Sebastian in full command Andreina having fun
Steve y las mierdas de su barrio
Steve nos comenta un poco sobre las mierdecillas que forman parte del folclore tipico de su barrio en Strathcona. Atencion! Este video contiene imagenes horripilantes de coches quizas robados, condones totalmente usados y jeringuillas con drogainas furtivas.
Steven – Roofing Issues
Stivito mando arreglar los roofs de sus casitas a unos capullines que no acabaron de terminar su trabajo completamente. Por tontitos, los rooferos se quedaron si cobrar la mitad de lo estipulado. En este video, Steve nos enseña varios de los detalles que dejaron sin terminar los susodichos.
Miguel Simpson
Estamos como cabras… hoy me he pasado todo el dia haciendo un diagrama de mi departamento con versiones simpsonizadas de cada empleado. Las jefecillas se lo han pasado bomba con la aplicacion de Flash en http://www.simpsonsmovie.com y a mi me han puesto asi:
Got any book recommendations?