Tag: visualization

  • Vuvox – Create your own Digital Collages

    This stuff is exciting.. very exciting!

  • Identity 2.0 – Dick CEO of Sxip

    Awesome talk and presentation. His style of presentation, flickering through images is actually a good starting model to define people. It works very well, as you can see on the video and funny enough, only a few months ago a company called YouTego has created a self-visualization engine that looks very similar to the way […]

  • Great Visual Explanation for the Crisis of Credit

    I strongly believe all concepts, especially the most obscure ones, can be a lot better understood using visualizations like this. This is an amazing example, extremely put together, .. just cool icons on a green background, nice voice for narration and nice sound effects. Keep them coming Jonathan! Website: crisisofcredit.com. Created by: jonathanjarvis.com. The Crisis […]

  • An awesome 3d visualization of realtime Facebook interactions

    I love visualizations and can’t wait until they become ubiquitous in our everyday life. They are a really beautiful way to get a better global understanding of the dimension and complexity of large scale networks and systems. Video here-> [ Watch Video Here ]